Finally the time has come, the assembly of helping hands starts on 27/09/2018 with ideal conditions - it’s dry, the sun is shining and everyone is highly motivated.
Assembly manager Thomas from Sunkid can rely on a team of “experts” as employees. The ski instructors prove to be very skilled in their craft (statement by the assembly manager). Also on the second day with fantastic weather and a very good atmosphere among the employees of the Scheffau ski school everything goes well.
Helping hands takes shape and the initially rather cute looking conveyor belt becomes a stately construction.
Attaching the plexiglass panes was a millimeter job and required a lot of sensitivity. But at the end of day 3 helping hands had grown into a respectable project and more and more viewers / hikers were eyeing our new showpiece.
Day 4 started much more relaxed - after all, the fine-tuning was on the agenda. Especially Ramona, head of Kinderkaiserland, had a lot of fun with her new “baby”. Helping hands was born and winter can come.
Our masco “Snoki” is together with 2 ski beginners the first one on the helping hands conveyor belt. It works really well and the kids love the driveway with Snoki.